Abuse is on my mind:
- Abuse I would like to heap on the administration for trying to prevent Sam from attending a charter school because it is inconvenient for them.
- Accidental abuse Sam received from a careless "caregiver" who sprayed his entire genital area with essential oil-based bug spray because she did not or would not read the label. Sam is non-verbal. How can he tell us what he is experiencing at someone else's hands?
- Abuse of the mainstreaming that happens with special ed kids in our school district, preventing our son from being where he needs to be. On the whole I am glad that they mainstream, HOWEVER, regular boys often need to start kindergarten late or repeat it, but seemingly that option is not open to Sam except at a charter school.
- Abuse of caffeine, which Super J and I must engage in to function at all this week. I think my tongue is having spasms after that last jolt.
I hear you. I raised the same abuse issue to the hospital when Brandon was sick. I pointed out that the things they were telling me to do to him would have been considered abuse if I wasn't doing it under medical advice. What gives them the right to torture our children just because they are doctors?